When I was about 4 years old, my parents made my sisters and I a house. My dad put it together with PVC pipe and my mom sewed a red and white cover for it. We loved to playing in this.
One night we decided to take the house into the backyard and sleep in it. We had only been out there a little while when we saw a shadow creeping near the house and heard a loud RROOAAARRRR! We all ran inside and needless to say we slept inside that night.
21 years later....I've never really been camping. Girls camp in Iowa consisted of cabins, a huge cafeteria, showers, a swimming pool, and stage complete with a costume closet. I only did girls camp in Utah one year and that was real camping, but I slept in my mom's suburban each night.
Last weekend was our ward campout. We decided to go and I must say camping isn't the worst thing in the world. Granted, it helped that another guy in the ward helped Jonathan set up the tent, we had four inch pads to sleep on, dinner was ready about 20 minutes after we got there (and we didn't have to do anything to get it ready) and breakfast was served as soon as we woke up (again, nothing we had to do). My favorite part was making a dessert for the campout :)