Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Pains of Homeownership

As last posted, we recently bought our first house. We've been here for two months and two days and have thoroughly enjoyed the perks of having a home: both cars in a garage therefore there's no scraping frost off in the morning, a large closet, 2 sinks in the master bathroom, a dishwasher, etc. However, this morning we awoke to the downside of owning a home. When things go wrong, you're in charge of fixing them.

Our backyard had flooded and there was water EVERYWHERE. Any place you couldn't see water, you'd step and sink into the ground because it was so soggy.

Immediately we were able to find the source of the leak. That entire area was bubbling.

Jonathan was able to reach his arm into the lawn and feel the pipes.

So, we pulled back the mud and scooped about 14 gallons of water out the hole.

Jonathan was tempted to drink some because it looked so much like chocolate milk.

Then, we found the problem. Not just a crack in the pipe, but the entire hose had come apart. No wonder it was bubbling.

So, after a lot of digging, a trip to Home Depot and a few new parts we thought we fixed the problem.

But we were wrong. Once we turned the water back on, it burst again. Within about 15 seconds we had a now bigger hole filled with water. Back to the beginning.

After two more trips to Home Depot , 8 hours of working on it, another burst pipe and some blistered hands we had replaced that line of sprinkler. For those of you who have worked with sprinklers before probably are laughing at how long this took us but neither of us had ever done this before so we learned a lot and felt proud of our work.

When we turned the water back on just before dark we were thrilled we didn't have another hole full of water. We do however still have a leak. Looks like we need to replace it again with a slightly different part. Next Saturday....unless the ground is covered in 2 feet of snow. Then it will have to wait until the Spring. But for now, the water is turned off.

***Yes, my camera is still missing and I don't think I'll ever get it back - these pictures were taken with our old camera which we replaced with the new camera that was stolen***


Ryan and Cheryl Harris said...

Oh my! What a fiasco! That does not look like a fun project. Wow. I'm impressed though at your mad skills you picked up. I know who to call when I have sprinkler issues someday.

Laurie said...

Mr. and Mrs. fix it!

Scott said...

What a mess! It does however feel good when you are able to fix it yourself, even if it took 8 hours. I think I would have given into frustration by then. I am impressed!

Lisa Weiler said...

YIKES way to go though, I'm impressed you didn't call the pros but did it all yourself :)

DC Diva said...

Ugh!!!! I do not look forward to this day in my life. I'm so sorry. First the camera (still waiting for that blog post) then a flood. Man. I'm super impressed you guys did it yourself! How resourceful. Go Jonathan (I'm guessing he did most the work)! Oh the things you are learning little sister...

Mom said...

Way to go home improvement Snows! Sometimes playing house isn't very fun.

Ashley said...

That looks yucky! Good job fixing it though. I probably would've just called someone. Post pictures of the inside of your new house! I'm excited to see it.

Mom said...

Well, at least now you know which way the water drains. Home Ownership is so much fun ... and so educational. Looking forward to Sunday. Love Dad

Harley King said...

Kings are natural-born-plummers. I could have done it in 7 hours.

Brianne said...

I'm with everybody else, I'm super impressed you fixed it yourself. And I thought Jeff and I were amazing for fixing our vacuum:) Well, I'm sorry for the pains of homeownership but I am very jealous of the double sinks in the master bathroom, that makes it definitely worth it!

Merilee said...

Wow, that's crappy Ali. I'm glad you fixed it though, no surprise, you guys rock.

Good luck fixing that last little leak before all the snow tramples Utah.

It's nice having two sinks to brush your teeth in. No more spitting on J Snow's wrist.