Hannah’s latest trick is that she rolls over. She’s been doing it for a while now. She can only go over the left shoulder from her back to her tummy. Lately, she’s getting better at getting her arm unstuck.
The first time she rolled over I was so excited for her but nervous for nighttime. What if she rolled over while sleeping? She would get stuck and suffocate. That meant Hannah was demoted back to her parents’ bedroom where we could keep a closer eye on her. I felt like it was the first week again. I was paranoid. And to make it even worse, we didn’t swaddle her. She was kicking and stirring and waking herself (and me) up all night long. My sister Wendy assured me that although she could roll over, Hannah would not be able to roll over while swaddled. Without the use of her arms to get her momentum going, she would be stuck on her back.
Not the case…Hannah, ONCE, rolled over in the swaddle. Luckily it was in the morning as she was waking up so I was right there to flip her back.
I couldn’t handle having her back in my room so she was moved back to the crib, swaddled, with the bumpers removed. Hannah went a few weeks without rolling over while swaddled. Good – her rolling over in the swaddle was just a one time thing.
Wrong. It’s normal to find that Hannah has moved while sleeping.
But the first time I found her like this during a nap…
She was still alive. She wasn’t crying. She was peacefully sleeping. What can you do? Nothing. Now, it’s totally normal to get Hannah from her crib and find her on her tummy.
Typically, if she rolls WHILE sleeping, she’s fine. The problem comes when she rolls before totally asleep. Then she knows she’s on her tummy and she cries and gets herself all worked up. At night, this is especially difficult. We want her to fall asleep on her own and not rely on us rocking her to sleep. But, as shown in the video, what do you do when she’s ALMOST asleep, you put her in the crib, and she rolls?
I guess just keep loving this face…