Thursday, March 17, 2011

Someday Hannah will appreciate

I wanted to make something festive for St. Patrick’s Day…so I did.

Sometimes around holidays I feel like making a treat.  Let’s be honest, every Sunday I feel like making a treat – this week I just waited until the holiday.  Here’s how it went down…
The ingredients:IMG_4060 (Please note that while I’m making these cupcakes I am also watching The Biggest Loser)

Next the batter gets colored:IMG_4064

Then you pour the batter one layer at a time:

Next bake and cool:

Finally frost and enjoy :)

I was going to take these around to neighbors but the frosting was a little thin so they didn’t turn out as pretty as I was hoping.  Also, I realized I used canola oil instead of vegetable oil so they taste a little different….still good, but different.  So instead, Jonathan took a bunch to work today and his fellow employee’s were thrilled.  Someday Hannah will get excited when I do stuff like this.  For now, she’s “content” to just watch and eat dehydrated fruit.


DC Diva said...

So cute Ali! What a fun idea! Hannah WILL appreciate what a fun mom she has. I wish I could say I'd done something fun at our house. Anderson wore green, ate Lucky Charms and didn't understand Dad's jokes... ???

Mom said...

So impressive Ali. They are really beautiful. I thought they might end up looking gray but the colors held. The frosting looked very professional. A shout out to Jonathan's co workers who seem to eat and appreciate anything. I of course an refering to all the kitchen oops I've sent to work with him.

Ryan and Cheryl Harris said...

So So Cool Ali! I want one. They look so yummy and so festive. Your pictures are so good to. Great job with both the pics and the cupcakes :)

jonathan said...

I can attest, still tasty even with the Canola oil! :)

One of my coworkers took a bite, then help up the cupcake and said, "Whoa! It's all crazy inside!"

mike said...

I want cupcakes. When can i come over?

Love Dad

Melissa said...

I saw all of these fun ideas that other people leprechauns that come and search for gold while the kids are asleep. But then I realized that Shayla could care less right now, and I was feeling lazy. Some day I will actually make the holidays fun. Props to you for actually doing something.

On a side is Hannah doing with the hair growing process? Is it getting any better? :)

Brianne said...

Yum, those look delicious! Looks like we're going to be your neighbors the beginning of June, yay!