Thursday, February 5, 2009


Mark you calendars. March 24th at 8:00 AM I will be getting 2 implants.

I've always hated going to the dentist. However, in the past 2 months I have been to the dentist 5 times. Over the next 4-6 months, I will go about 6 more times. Why? Because I still have two baby teeth. One of the baby teeth has started decomposing from the inside out. The other, has no roots left and it's only a matter of time before it falls out. How does this get fixed? Implants.

On March 24th at 8:00 AM I will be put under. My baby teeth will be pulled, I will have 2 possible bone grafts, and two implants will be put in. I will then have holes in my mouth for 4-6 months. After the 4-6 month "healing" period I will have crowns attached to the implants. This is not my idea of fun.

Although I am not looking forward to this one bit, I must say I am grateful there are procedures for situations like this. I am grateful for the little dental insurance I do have. And finally, I am grateful these teeth are in the back of my mouth and hopefully it won't be too noticeable to others.


Jill said...

I feel for you Hon. I'm getting a crown tomorrow (or at least starting the process). It's a back tooth and will be gold. Total mouth bling.

Julie Broadbent said...

Oh My Gosh!!! You poor thing. My heart goes out to you. I hate the Dentist too. Good Luck!

DC Diva said...

Sucks sister. I'm so sorry. I still can't believe you have baby teeth. And I can't believe I never knew until Christmas.

(and when I read the first line I TOTALLY thought of the other kind of implants!)

Ryan and Cheryl Harris said...

Crappy dude. I'm sorry. It is funny though when you read the first line that says your getting 2 implants...I think most people don't think of teeth when they think implants.

Mom said...

Very informative, I liked the photos of the implants, you're such a teacher. It won't be fun but will be good to get over with. I think you should be asleep for all this fun.

Jeff said...

I'm scared for you. Looking at the pictures alone made me scared, much less the thought of the actual operation. I'm not sure why dentists aren't in more horror movies.

Ashley said...

Sorry about the teeth. I thought you were getting other implants. lol. That's why it's always important to keep reading after the headline. sheesh.

Harley King said...

Mucho suckero, Ali. What are you supposed to do with the holes in your mouth while you're healing? Throw in pennies?

Make a wish Implant Girl because something tells me Dr. Jonathan has got the medicine you need.